SAF-GLAS / EnergyGlass & Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
EnergyGlass, LEED PLUS
- EnergyGlass products have the unique ability to accommodate LEED Performance Standard while also generating passive electricity from light.
- EnergyGlass keeps the BTU’s inside the building and solar heat gain out of the building.
- EnergyGlass Technology also utilizes its single source optically clear Solar IR Film.
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a world-wide consortium of professionals, and government/private sector leaders working in conjunction to reach one attainable goal of energy efficient construction. There are four levels of LEED Certification: Certified: (40-49) points, Silver: (50-59) points, Gold: (60-79) points and Platinum: (80) points and above. Before being able to receive any credits, completion of one of the prerequisites offered for each category is required.
There are 100 base points, 6 possible Innovation and 4 Regional Priority points. The points cover the entire building process from site selection through building occupancy and are broken into 6 base categories and 2 bonus categories. From the eight total categories, glass normal selection may be able to help in four.
There are two versions of LEED currently in effect: LEED 2009(v3) and the new LEED (v4). Design professionals can choose to register new projects under either version until October 31st, 2016. At that time, all new project registrations must use v4. Projects registered with LEED 2009 may continue to provide submittals for certification until June 6th, 2021, when this rating system closes. EnergyGlass can incorporate in its product all make-ups and Companies Low E, reflective, semi reflective, tint, soft coat, hard coat, holographic, electro chromic and heat glass.
Green building construction practices continue to progress to better energy efficiency, engineers and architects are seeking new ways to make buildings integral to more healthy ecosystems, EnergyGlass is of significant measure relative to this worthy path.