About EnergyGlass — Standard Make-Ups
EnergyGlass products and make-ups have the ability to be as varied and diverse as all glass industry monolithic, laminated, insulated and threat resistant glass products while providing the “value add” of generating electricity from light.
Laminated EnergyGlass
Laminated EnergyGlass is constructed with two plies of glass permanently bonded together with our proprietary nano interlayer. The product ability to resist various kinds of threats inclusive of bomb blast, forced entry, wind pressure and thermal is due to our superior material make up and the nano structured product. Standard EnergyGlass has the ability to be natural and man made disaster resistant while producing passive electricity.
Insulated EnergyGlass
EnergyGlass Insulated Glass provides the solar controlling properties of an insulating unit along with the electrical production and safety features of SAF-GLAS/ EnergyGlass. The product has flexibility to design with hundreds of combinations of tinted glass, high-performance coatings, solar IR film, silk-screen patterns and colored interlayers, in combination or alone. In addition, Insulating EnergyGlass enhances acoustical performance, ultraviolet light protection, and the EnergyGlass is designed to remain structurally in the window upon an external threat. Insulated EnergyGlass has the ability to be natural and man made disaster resistant while producing passive electricity.
Double Insulated EnergyGlass
Double EnergyGlass insulated glass have both an EnergyGlass inboard and outboard with a Dehydrated air space in between EnergyGlass plies. This configuration affords improved threat resistance, thermal and acoustic performance. Double Insulated EnergyGlass has the ability to be natural and man made disaster resistant while producing passive electricity.
Triple Insulated EnergyGlass
Triple insulated EnergyGlass is constructed with three plies of EnergyGlass and/or monolithic and/or laminated SAF-GLAS separated by two hermetically sealed and dehydrated air spaces. This construction increases the insulating value of the glass unit, thus reducing the u-value. This triple insulating glass unit is especially useful in applications where threat resistance, a low u-value and great acoustic performance is a specified project requirement. Triple Insulated EnergyGlass has the ability to be natural and man made disaster resistant while producing passive electricity.